Rise - Up- For- E-Waste PROJECT

Rise - Up- For- E-Waste PROJECT
Subscribing to Greta Thunberg’s channel and holding digital protests aren’t just what students at The Modern School are limiting themselves to. This year, while celebrating World Environment Day, students of grade VIII took a pledge of the varsity and their commitment to the same led them to conduct proactive drives, accumulation of E-WASTE, sensitize the public about it, they even proclaimed their pledge to save mother earth through their skit and slogans.
Under the aegis of International Project Rise - Up- For- E-Waste, several Asian countries with India like Malaysia, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Romania, and Pakistan have wholeheartedly poured in their participation and initiated the project to tackle the problem of electronic waste by ensuring its proper disposal.
“Amid the pandemic, the reliance on gadgets has increased manifold leading to a greater amount of e-waste. To tackle this problem head-on, we have placed customised bins in various target blocks of school to provide convenient accumulation options. Old wires that don’t work, and other electronic gadgets that people usually discard under a tree because of not knowing what to do with it, can now dispose of the waste in a productive way,” says Principal- Mrs. Navneet Pachauri, and further adds, “We plan to channelise this e-waste project in future to help an underprivileged community, by providing them employment opportunities by producing DIY products using the waste component of the collected e-waste. This is then sold through third party, at various digital carnivals.”
Elaborating on the efforts of students, Ms. Monalisa Mishra, School Project Incharge, says, “Our team comprises more than 50 students at present. To continue sensitising the masses, the team undertook online sessions with several colleges and schools, colonies, and vicinity and urged them to hold on to their e-waste during the current lockdown, and give us an opportunity to dispose it in the right manner when the situation permits. We plan to install specialised e-waste bins in as many public places as we can. Apart from conducting collection drives at school, through skits and presentations students made their voices heard on social media platforms too.”
After connecting to such huge project-digitally, some eighth graders- Sumit, Shree, Hardik, Divyansh, Khushi, Priyadarshini, Mukta, Chandan, Jiya, Aditi and Dashrath, on discussing how far they have made it, in tackling e-waste throughout Barmer expressed their wish to get this project a step ahead and are on with some research projects with a future plan. So far, through conducting collection drives using customised bins TMS succeeded in channelising hundreds of kgs of e-waste to the formal recycling sector within a short span of 8 weeks operation.
This attempt and effort received global recognition and appreciation and was a celebrated accomplishment of the session 2021-22.